Is being constantly busy a good thing?
I was recently in Japan, driving around the beautiful Tohuku prefecture and I stopped by Tokyo for a couple of days too.
Anyone who has transited in Tokyo Station will tell you how their heart rate never fails to shoot right up the chart. Everyone seems to know where they are going and every step doubles or triples in speed. There is no room for the laggard or the confused. When I compared this with the fairytale town of Ouchi-Juku in Fukushima where the children lent their playful hands to their grandmothers clearing the snowfall with their spades from their walkway, I can’t help but to ask myself “Is being constantly busy a good thing?”.

Our Unmet Needs
In “How it began”, I introduced “unmet needs”. What are they exactly and why are we at their mercy to ace in our lives?
Biologically, we started as a helpless fetus in our mother’s womb. We continue to be dependant on our mother for food source and comfort during gestation.

A Different Kind Of Bridal Shower and Stag Party
What is a Bridal Shower or Stag Party? Good friends coming together to celebrate the last moments of single-hood for the bride-to-be/groom-to-be days or weeks leading up to the wedding. Typically, the activity chosen would involve lots of laughters, games, feasting and drinking.

Why do we feel guilty to rest?
An epiphany I experienced while traveling solo in Greece - “Rest is an integral part of nature.”
(Incidentally “Epiphany” is derived from the Ancient Greek word “epiphaneia” which means manifestation).